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You might be surprised

4 Feb

I read an interesting article today in my husband’s running magazine about influence.  You’ve heard the saying,  You become like the ten people closest to you.  This article detailed how a father’s running habit rubbed off on his 6 year old son. Running became contagious around their household and soon enough, everyone joined in.  I’m not a runner so I’m hoping I can “catch” the desire from my husband.

My passion of choice is painting and drawing. I would like to think that I passed my artistic genes to my five year old daughter. After all,  she took it upon herself to create her “artist” Halloween costume (smock,  french hat and all).  However, the last few months I’ve realized that I didn’t pass anything to her… I “caught” her passion for art. She has reminded me of that childlike joy of doing the one thing that makes you happier than anything.  She broke out my dusty watercolors for me and helped me reconnect to a missing part of my soul. Funny what a five year old can do for you.

So be careful who you choose to spend your time with, you might catch something great.

~Tate Skye Designs

Fare la Bella Vita

1 Feb

Jennifer Moreman’s motto is “Life is Beautiful”. Or for you world travelers out there,”La Vita è Bella” or my front-runner, “Fare la Bella Vita” (have a beautiful life).

What an interesting sentiment, “Have a Beautiful Life”. It somehow transforms into a motivational charge. Most of us are too busy out there flying from one event to the next to take notice of the small things. That is what I love about Jennifer’s work, from the mystery of a wise owl’s eye to the solid security of a Texas Longhorn, she gets it.

So set your DVR for a night and go check out one of Jennifer’s upcoming showcases.

If Texas is too far of a trek, indulge in her vision online

So for this week remember that we all “Fare la Bella Vita”…

~Mommy The Marketer

*Jennifer Moreman resides in Tyler, Texas. She graduated from Baylor University in 2004 with a Bachelors of Fine Arts -Studio Art. She is originally from Dallas, Texas where she attended Trinity Christian Academy.

Learn more at

Coming Soon..

25 Jan

This is my next inspiration for a new set of greetings cards..coming soon!

“It’s a New Day”

Swanky Place by Eriginals

23 Jan

One of my favorite things is to stumble across artists who are not only true to their calling by designing beautiful things, but to see an artist who live out their dreams in ALL aspects of their lives. “E” as she calls herself gives us reasons to stretch the borders of “domesticity”. She embraced an early retirement lifestyle change and has created a fascinating glimpse of simple times for all of us to enjoy.

E’s daily blogs about the joy of putting aside worries for a day and baking brownies instead leave my heart happy and refreshed. “E” truly is an original. I hope you take time out of your hectic day to learn more about this artist and her “Swanky Place” boutique.

So here is to baking cupcakes, an evening with friends, or simply enjoying a home cooked meal in an adorable apron tribute to days gone by. As always, Happy Shopping!

~Mommy The Marketer
Talking For You!

Learn more about Swanky Place by Eriginals here:


22 Jan

What inspires you? Simple things lately get to me like my wall art that reads “Scatter Sunshine”.  Maybe it has been the lack of sunny days in 2010 that draws me towards this simple statement. Scattering Sunshine is a difficult task. It requires vigilance to make the decision to be happy..not every once in a while, but every day.  So today…think about what inspires you and try to scatter some sunshine!

~Tate Skye Designs



Hello world!

20 Jan